Friday, January 30, 2009

Wanna go on a Hike?

Hey ya'll I'm organizing a hike to Half Dome in the Spring when the snow melts. let me know if you want to go! Peace ;o)


Scrapally said...

I'll pass on the hike (I would never make it!) but be sure and share pictures! you are looking good and obviously feeling good if you are getting ready to tackle half dome!! you go girl!!!

Unknown said...

You are looking good and REALLY MUST be feeling good. I'm happy for you but DO YOU WANT ME TO DIE??? hahaha. I will look forward to the photos. I'm sure they will be beautiful.

it was so fun seeing you today! thanks for stopping by with your mama and thanks for the camelias. i think they are my favorite flower.

Unknown said...

I am going to be on the hike Hill but I don't know if I'll get very far !!! Remember the John Muir trail !!! LOL

Jamie said...

Hill are you crazy, well I don't need a answer to that I know you is.....oh no my grammer are you going to arrest me, just kidding I luv ya but sometimes loving you is painful I still have bruises to prove it!lol.....oh ya this is your favorite aunt that is all had to say talk to you soon.